What is a blockchain address?
What information is needed to transfer crypto assets?
What’s the difference between a private key and a password
How do you create an address from a public key?
What is a public key?
What are Transaction Fees?
How do you create a public key from a private key?
What is a private key?
Where can you store private keys?
How can someone steal crypto assets?
How can you create a transfer transaction?
What do you need to do to a transaction before you submit it?
What is a hash?
How does signing work?
Compare encryption with signing?
What must you have access to in order to submit a transaction?
Can everyone see your transaction?
What is gas?
Who earns gas fees?
Who confirms your transaction?
How long does it take to confirm a transaction?
Can a transaction be reversed?
When is it safe to assume that the transaction has settled?
Compare hot with cold wallets?
Compare custodial with non-custodial wallets?
Why would someone need a custodial wallet?
Why would someone self custody?
Compare software with hardware wallet?
How does encryption work?
Symmetric vs. asymmetric cryptography?
What is a UTXO structure?