When describing asset support for ERC-20 tokens you may see some referred to as "Supported" and some as "Unsupported". This article will explain what that means.
"Unsupported" or "Non-Supported"
All ERC-20 tokens default to being "Non-supported", which means:
They can only be interacted with via MetaMask x TrustVault chrome extension
Fully supported ERC-20 tokens have the additional benefit of:
The token balance can be seen inside the iOS TrustVault app and TrustVault Web
The token valuation can be shown in the portfolio balance inside the TrustVault app and TrustVault Web
Being displayed natively in the iOS TrustVault app and TrustVault Web showing the transaction details.
Being able to construct a transaction for the token in the iOS TrustVault app and TrustVault Web
The API supports creating a transaction for a supported asset by passing just the assetSymbol (e.g. LINK)
Webhook users can get a webhook when ERC-20s are received with full ERC-20 data payload including a valuation
How does a token become supported?
Adding a new token will require it to go through our new token onboarding process which includes things such as:
Checking the tokens status
is it legitimate?
Is it a security?
Checking the price feeds for the token
Is there sufficient liquidity?
Is there sufficient price data?
Is the token used by many clients?
If you would like to see an ERC-20 token added to the "Supported" list please contact us.